Lacuna is encouraging students at the University of Warwick to write about rights and justice. We are launching our third annual writing competition and calling for entries from students at Warwick Law School.
The competition is open to current undergraduate and postgraduate Law students of the University of Warwick only. More details follow:
Competition guidelines:
Write an 800-word story on a current issue that includes themes of injustice and human rights. This shouldn’t be an academic essay but a story that appeals to mainstream readers. You may choose to write a journalistic feature, a piece of creative fiction or an opinion piece. Your aim is to challenge indifference to suffering, inspire action for change, promote wider understanding of complex rights issues and/or shine a light on injustice.
The best entry will receive valuable feedback and assistance in developing their story to be published on Lacuna.
For guidance on how to write a Lacuna article visit the Law Skills Handbook. Your submission must be your own original work. It must not have been published anywhere else and cannot be submitted in any form to a university assignment.
How to enter:
To submit your entry, email Rebecca Limb at with the subject title “Entry for Lacuna Competition 2022”.
All entries must be submitted by 12 noon on 14th November 2022