In the third episode of Spoken Earth, Adam Weymouth speaks with the Scottish writer, academic and activist Alastair McIntosh.
Alastair McIntosh is a Scottish writer, academic and activist. He is the author of several books, including Poacher’s Pilgrimage and Hell and High Water, and most famously, Soil and Soul: People Versus Corporate Power.
McIntosh works in the discipline of human ecology, which explores the tangled web of connections between “the natural environment and the social environment,” bringing politics, economics, sociology and more within the realm of a more traditional ecology. In particular, McIntosh, who is a practising Quaker, is interested in extending the discipline to encompass both psychology and spirituality. All of his work, whether through his activism, his teaching, his speaking or his writing, is focused on opening us up to that multidisciplinary approach. He pays particular attention to the restoration and rekindling of community, and says that more than anything, what the world needs today is a deepening of spiritual vision.
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Podcast by Lacuna Magazine
Interviewer: Adam Weymouth
Producer and musician: Ulli Mattsson
Further Reading