Photo by bixentro
The Megaphones
No justice was always the thing after
which other things followed to clarify the argument
crackled down to the numbers
but after the numbers were counted infinity stretched
so open its wings electrically
clouds congregated around a suspended altar –
I do not know what we witnessed that day
though we stood often in stairwells
leaning on doors beer between feet
arms linked voices linked for a moment
the men in their gold frames were truly frozen.
Hands jolt palm-T or otherwise security guards nodding heavily.
Fire. Exits. Palm-T opened up through a shake of the wrists
I agree or otherwise we are securing the doors with our bodies.
Did you realise there was always time before money existed
the world spinning in dark orbit the stars choking a strange
necklace about the wrong neck?
In central London
a loop around the Egyptian embassy
in the Middle East
flames screech oranges
boxed on pavements or a car
moving through the city rocked to its senses
or otherwise a glassy smash
resting on the hashtag
becomes a virus or otherwise I fell drunk on chicha
my tongue for a moment I was with you
before we turned down another street #stopandsearch.
Nor peace nor never was peace
rising up the police
did it you see –
if the court quashes it what
does that mean?
there is a long stream and if you follow each tributary?
A tribute might be paid but everyone says: no one can stop a river –
the army try as the banks blur boats like dollar bills
no one had expected that glassy notion.
Fuck the lovely sky with its gentility it spins like Earl Grey
or otherwise these houses were there from the start-whispers
rough tulle streets paves of brioche
and anyway cosmetics always sell well or an aria.
Rise birds through the colours of your voices.
Let your heart riot as it will.
Watch from the nearest rooftop. Sing
through these megaphones. Or place to a wall and listen
to the voices in the next room strung with clattered light as light did you see
the streets are full of footsteps
glass walls long since smashed. Jewel-backed
or otherwise be that only shaking tree
the death of the dawn falling now heavily cloaked –
the city chocked on capital.