Beatrice M. Spadacini

Beatrice M. Spadacini is an Italian American freelance journalist who splits her time between Washington D.C., USA and Pescara, Italy. Bea often writes about social justice and public health and in 2023 she received the One Health award for her work as the Manager of the Internews Health Journalism Network and her efforts in mainstreaming the One Health approach, which highlights the intersection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. Bea is the former Executive Producer of the One in Four podcast, a project focused on uplifting the voices of the formerly incarcerated and reframing the narrative around re-entry from prison in the United States. Over the years, Bea’s byline has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, Sojourner Magazine, The Guardian, il Corriere della Sera, Noi Donne, The East African, La Voce di New York and Internazionale weekly. Bea is also a certified kids’ yoga teacher, a pottery student, and a nutrition conscious Mom. More at: